County's Responsibilities - Intentional Program Violation (IPV) 448-01-35-25

(Revised 11/1/14 ML #3418)

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When a notice of IPV hearing has been issued, the eligibility worker will receive a letter from the Legal Advisory Unit indicating the Request for Hearing and a copy of the notice that resulted in the hearing was forwarded to OAH. This letter will also indicate that OAH will be sending the eligibility worker a ‘Notice of Hearing & Specification of Issue’.


Upon receipt of the ‘Notice of Hearing & Specification of the Issue’, the eligibility worker must:


  1. Follow the instructions included on this notice, which include sending all pertinent information to OAH and the appellant.


  1. Ensure the necessary witnesses are at the hearing.


  1. Bring the necessary evidence to the hearing.


  1. Come to the hearing prepared as though the applicant will attend, even though you may have reason to believe the applicant, recipient or authorized representative will not attend the hearing.


  1. Make certain the conference telephone is in good working order.